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Texts & Translations: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Other Vocal BWV 225-249 | Chorales BWV 250-438 | Geistliche Lieder BWV 439-507 | AMN BWV 508-524 | Other Vocal 1081-1164 | BWV Anh | Chorale Texts | Emblemata | Sources | Poets & Composers
Discussions: Texts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Translations: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Cantata BWV 103
Ihr werdet weinen und heulen
English Translation in Interlinear Format
Cantata BWV 103 - You will weep and howl, but the world will rejoice

Event: 3rd Sunday after Easter (Jubilate)
Readings: Epistle: 1 Peter 2: 11-20; Gospel: John 16: 16-23
Text: John 16: 20 (Mvt. 1); Paul Gerhardt (Mvt. 6); Christiane Mariane von Ziegler (Mvts. 2-5)
Chorale Text: Barmherzger Vater, höchster Gott

Biblical quotations are in green font, Chorale quotations in purple font


Chorus and Bass Arioso [S, A, T, B / Bass]

Flauto piccolo, Oboe d'amore I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Ihr werdet weinen und heulen, aber die Welt wird sich freuen.
You will weep and howl, but the world will rejoice.

Ihr aber werdet traurig sein.
But you will be sorrowful.
Doch eure Traurigkeit soll in Freude verkehret werden.
Yet your sorrow will be turned to joy.


Recitative [Tenor]


Wer sollte nicht in Klagen untergehn,
Who would not sink down in mourning
Wenn uns der Liebste wird entrissen?
when the beloved is snatched away ?
Der Seelen Heil, die Zuflucht kranker Herzen
The soul's saviour, the refuge of sick hearts
Acht nicht auf unsre Schmerzen.
pays no attention to our pains.


Aria [Alto]

Violino concertante o Flauto traverso, Continuo

Kein Arzt ist außer dir zu finden,
No physician except you is to be found,
Ich suche durch ganz Gilead;
[even if] I should search through the whole of Gilead.
Wer heilt die Wunden meiner Sünden,
Who heals the wounds of my sins
Weil man hier keinen Balsam hat?
since here no one has any balm?
Verbirgst du dich, so muß ich sterben.
If you hide yourself, then I must die.
Erbarme dich, ach, höre doch!
Have mercy,ah! hear me!
Du suchest ja nicht mein Verderben,
You do not seek my ruin,
Wohlan, so hofft mein Herze noch.
so come, my heart still hopes.


Recitative [Alto]


Du wirst mich nach der Angst auch wiederum erquicken;
After my anguish you will again revive me,
So will ich mich zu deiner Ankunft schicken,
and so I shall prepare for your arrival,
Ich traue dem Verheißungswort,
I trust in the word of your promise
Daß meine Traurigkeit
that my sorrow
In Freude soll verkehret werden.
will be turned to joy.


Aria [Tenor]

Tromba, Oboe d'amore I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Erholet euch, betrübte Sinnen,
Recover yourselves, my troubled senses,
Ihr tut euch selber allzu weh.
you make yourselves all too woeful.
Laßt von dem traurigen Beginnen,
Leave off your sorrowful beginning
Eh ich in Tränen untergeh.
before I drown in tears.
Mein Jesus läßt sich wieder sehen,
My Jesus allows himself to be seen again,
O Freude, der nichts gleichen kann!
O joy, that nothing can equal!
Wie wohl ist mir dadurch geschehen,
For all the good that has happened to me through this,
Nimm, nimm mein Herz zum Opfer an!
take, take my heart as an offering!


Chorale [S, A, T, B]

Tromba e Flauto traverso e Oboe d'amore I/II e Violino I col Soprano, Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, Continuo

Ich hab dich einen Augenblick,
I have for a moment,
O liebes Kind, verlassen;
my dear child, left you;
Sieh aber, sieh, mit großem Glück
but see, see, with great good fortune
Und Trost ohn alle Maßen
and comfort beyond all measure
Will ich dir schon die Freudenkron
I shall on you the crown of joy
Aufsetzen und verehren;
place and honour;
Dein kurzes Leid soll sich in Freud
Your brief suffering will into joy
Und ewig Wohl verkehren.
and everlasting good be changed.


This Translation in Parallel Format

English Translation by Francis Browne (February 2002)
Contributed by Francis Browne (February 2002)

Cantata BWV 103: Ihr werdet weinen und heulen for Jubilate [3rd Sunday after Easter] (1725)
Discography: Details & Complete Recordings | Recordings of Individual Movements
Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

BWV 103 Text: German-1 | German-6 | German-7 | NBA Text
Translations: English-1 | English-3I | English-3P | English-6 | English-10 | English-13 | English-14
Catalan-1 | Chinese-2 | Dutch-0 | Dutch-3 | French-4 | French-5 | French-6 | Hebrew-1 | Indonesian-1 | Italian-2 | Norwegian-1 | Polish-1 | Russian-1 | Russian-3 | Spanish-3 | Spanish-7 | Spanish/English-8
Chorale Text: Barmherzger Vater, höchster Gott [BWV 103/6]

English Translations in Interlinear/Parallel Format (English-3): Sorted by BWV Number | Sorted by Title | Sorted by Event | Note on English Translations

Texts & Translations: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Other Vocal BWV 225-249 | Chorales BWV 250-438 | Geistliche Lieder BWV 439-507 | AMN BWV 508-524 | Other Vocal 1081-1164 | BWV Anh | Chorale Texts | Emblemata | Sources | Poets & Composers
Discussions: Texts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Translations: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4


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Last update: Monday, January 09, 2023 14:21