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Masaaki Suzuki & Bach Collegium Japan
Cantatas Vol. 15
Cantatas BWV 40, BWV 60, BWV 70, BWV 90


J.S. Bach: Cantatas Vol. 15 - Cantatas from Leipzig 1723 - BWV 40, 60, 70, 90


Cantatas BWV 40 [15:30], BWV 60 [14:57], BWV 70 [22:49], BWV 90 [12:44]

Masaaki Suzuki

Bach Collegium Japan

Soprano: Yukari Nonoshita; Counter-tenor: Robin Blaze; Tenor: Gerd Türk; Bass: Peter Kooy

BIS 1111

Sep 16-20, 2000

CD / TT: 67:35

Recorded at the Kobe Shoin Women's University Chapel, Japan.
See: Cantatas Vol. 15 - conducted by Masaaki Suzuki
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BIS Cantata Series - Vol. 15 (!)

Piotr Jaworski wrote (October 24, 2001):
Here it finally is - the 15th volume of the most exciting on-going "complete" recording project (IMVHO!) - JSB's Cantatas performed by Bach Collegium Japan choir and orchestra, directed by Masaaki Suzuki (BIS

Yukari Nonoshita - soprano
Robin Blaze - counter-tenor
Gerd Türk - tenor
Peter Kooij - bass

"Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes" BWV 40,
"O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort" BWV 60,
"Wachet, betet, seid bereit" BWV 70,
"Es reißet euch ein schrecklich Ende" BWV 90.

For those who like numbers this a mysterious volume - 1111, 40, 60, 70, 90 .... ;-)

Frankly - there is no 'weak' cantata on this disc (and please, don't blame for using the word in the context of JSB output!; there are some relatively 'weak' cantatas ....). First we have Cantata BWV 40, with joyful opening chorus. I'd say, this is Bach in the Nutshell, since during fifteen minutes there are quite many different, short movements, wonderful orchestral playing, great choruses and captivating arias (see GT - track 7 - "Christenkinder, freuchet euch!")

BWV 40 is a small-scale masterpiece, but here we go from good to better - the first treasure within this set is definitely Cantata BWV 60, with fantastic dialogues - in form of duets and recitatives - between 'Fear' (Blaze) and 'Hope' (Türk). Magic accompaniment of the two oboes d'amore has to be mentioned here - in both 'Arias' and the final 'Chorale'.

Cantata BWV 70 (the second treasure!) begins with the glorious, magnificent, almost alerting 'Chorus' - opening words "Watch, pray, be prepared!!!" can't better sound with this splendid music. Extraordinary.

Robin Blaze aria "Wenn kommt der Tag..." with Hidemi Suzuki on cello is great.
As much as tenor aria "Hebt euer Haupt..." with wonderful instrumental (oboe!) introduction.

Cantata BWV 90 - is mainly one-man show - Gerd Türk again, singing one aria and one recitative, however, for a while, Peter Kooij takes the scene with stunning aria "So loschet im Eifer..". Blaze contribution is also very good one ... so altogether three actors in fact. Of the whole recording .. since Nonoshita sings only one aria (in BWV 70, first part).

Great, great, great recording. Worth of waiting, worth of the whole eagerness, absolutely better than the previous one - 14th - probably one of the five best volumes yet. So much to enjoy! Write down the catalogue number for your 'wish-lists' then: BIS 1111. A marvel. Wholeheartedly recommends

Piotr - The Happy One ...for a while of listening :-)


Masaaki Suzuki: Short Biography | Ensembles: Bach Collegium Japan
Bach Discography: Recordings of Vocal Works: Part 1: Complete Cantatas Cycle - Vols. 1-20 | Part 2: Complete Cantatas Cycle - Vols. 21-40 | Part 3: Complete Cantatas Cycle - Vols. 41-60 | Part 5: Recordings of Secular Cantatas | Part 6: Box Sets of Cantatas | Part 7: Other Cantata Recordings | Part 4: Recordings of Other Vocal Works | Recordings of Instrumental Works
Table of recordings by BWV Number
General Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Discussions of Cantatas: Suzuki - Vol. 2 | Suzuki - Vol. 5 | Suzuki - Vol. 8 | Suzuki - Vol. 9 | Suzuki - Vol. 10 | Suzuki - Vol. 11 | Suzuki - Vol. 12 | Suzuki - Vol. 13 | Suzuki - Vol. 14 | Suzuki - Vol. 15 | Suzuki - Vol. 16 | Suzuki - Vol. 17 | Suzuki - Vol. 18 | Suzuki - Vol. 19 | Suzuki - Vol. 20 | Suzuki - Vol. 21 | Suzuki - Vol. 22 | Suzuki - Vol. 23 | Suzuki - Vol. 24 | Suzuki - Vol. 25 | Suzuki - Vol. 26 | Suzuki - Vol. 27 | Suzuki - Vol. 28 | Suzuki - Vol. 29 | Suzuki - Vol. 30 | Suzuki - Vol. 31 | Suzuki - Vol. 38 | Suzuki - Vol. 43 | Suzuki Secular - Vol. 1
Discussions of Other Vocal Works: BWV 232 - M. Suzuki | BWV 243 - M. Suzuki | BWV 244 - M. Suzuki | BWV 245 - M. Suzuki | BWV 248 - M. Suzuki
Reviews of Instrumental Recordings: Bach’s Clavier-Ubung III from Masaaki Suzuki | Bach Harpsichord Discs from Hill and Suzuki | Bach’s French Suites from Suzuki | Review: Partitas by Suzuki [McElhearn] | Suzuki’s Partitas [Henderson] | Suzuki’s Goldberg Variations
Discussions of Instrumental Recordings: Partitas BWV 825-830 - played by M. Suzuki
Bach Festivals and Cantata Series: Bach Collegium Japan: Cantata Series

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