Bach in Arts & Memorabilia:
Main Page
| Index by Type/Number
Bach in Arts:
| Statues, Monuments, Memorials & Plaques
| Hommage a Bach
| Posters & Graphic Art
| Busts, Figurines & Statuettes
| Postcards & Greeting Cards
| Caricatures & Cartoons
| Stamps & Envelopes
| Medals, Medallions & Coins
| Pottery, Ceramics & Glass
| Seals, Signatures & Monograms
| Festival Posters
| Musical nstruments & Music Boxes
| Video Art
Bach Memorabilia:
Home: Clocks
| Mugs, Cups & Steins
| Magnets
| Pillows
| Towels
| Yard Signs
| Boxes & Cases
| Smoking Objects
| Playing Cards
| Toys & Dolls
| Sweets
Office: Calendars & Catalogues
| Pens, Pencils & Erasers
| Bookmarks
| Stickers
| Mousepads
| Telecards
| Accessories
Dress: Shirts
| Shorts
| Hats
| Ties, Handkerchiefs & Scarves
| Buttons & Pins
| Jewelry, Ornaments & Watches
| Keychains
| Umbrellas & Fans
| Bags
| Costumes & Wigs
| Thimbles
Discussions: Bach Memorabilia
| Face of Bach
Bach in Arts - Hommage a Bach
Tribute to Bach & Bach-inspired Art Works |
Memo-2753 N. MacDonald: Note from Bach |
Memo-1456 A. Macke: Coloured Composition (Tribute to J.S. Bach) |
Memo-2785 A.
Macke: Hommage à J.S.Bach |
Memo-2786 A.
Macke: Coffee Table w/ Hommage à J.S.Bach |
Art-1775 A.
Markmann: The GEB logo from the book Gödel Escher Bach |
Memo-1657 R. Masciarelli: Brandenburg Concerto No 3 in G Major, BWV 1048 (2007) |
Memo-1457 K. Matabeli: Bach (Collage) |
Memo-1674 Y. Millecamps: Contrepoint (1962) |
Memo-2742 J. Miró: Homage to a Bach Fugue |
Memo-1529 J. Moir Messervy & Y.Y. Ma: Toronto Music Garden (1999) |
Memo-1677 A. Moncada: Callas dolorosa |
Memo-1076 R. Motherwell: Lithograph Music for J.S. Bach |
Memo-1658 H. Neugeboren (H. Nouveau): Fugue in E Flat Minor by J.S. Bach (1928) |
Memo-2825 N. Nevskaya: Der Bach |
Memo-2531 L. Nierman: Bach |
Memo-1460 K. Nikov: Partita in E Major for solo violin |
Memo-2515 J.L. Solis: Hommage à Bach |
Memo-1401 S. Solomon: A Prelude by Bach |
Memo-2741 K. Steichen Rosing: Measures of the Millennium: 18th c, Dawn's Early Light, Bach's Cantata |
Memo-1683 P. Stilton: The Trio Plays Bach |
Memo-1628 S. Strachan Johnson: The Music of Bach: the Goldberg Variations (2005) |
Art-1789 J.M. Subirachs: J.S. Bach Square - with sculpture in honor of Pau Casals |
Memo-2475 O. Zadkine: Hommage a Bach |
J. Zarrazola: Bach's Art of Fugue: Contrapunctus 4 |
E. Zen: Immolation of Jeanne D'Arc |
Memo-1679 J. Zwobada: Hommage to J.S. Bach (1956) |
Bach in Arts & Memorabilia:
Main Page
| Index by Type/Number
Bach in Arts:
| Statues, Monuments, Memorials & Plaques
| Hommage a Bach
| Posters & Graphic Art
| Busts, Figurines & Statuettes
| Postcards & Greeting Cards
| Caricatures & Cartoons
| Stamps & Envelopes
| Medals, Medallions & Coins
| Pottery, Ceramics & Glass
| Seals, Signatures & Monograms
| Festival Posters
| Musical nstruments & Music Boxes
| Video Art
Bach Memorabilia:
Home: Clocks
| Mugs, Cups & Steins
| Magnets
| Pillows
| Towels
| Yard Signs
| Boxes & Cases
| Smoking Objects
| Playing Cards
| Toys & Dolls
| Sweets
Office: Calendars & Catalogues
| Pens, Pencils & Erasers
| Bookmarks
| Stickers
| Mousepads
| Telecards
| Accessories
Dress: Shirts
| Shorts
| Hats
| Ties, Handkerchiefs & Scarves
| Buttons & Pins
| Jewelry, Ornaments & Watches
| Keychains
| Umbrellas & Fans
| Bags
| Costumes & Wigs
| Thimbles
Discussions: Bach Memorabilia
| Face of Bach