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Ingeborg Schilling (Soprano)

Born: Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia,Germany

The German soprano, Ingeborg Schilling, studied singing at the Hochschule für Musik Köln with Professor Klesie Kelly-Moog, and completed her diploma in 2007. In the course of her studies, she studied with Kammersängerin Professor Edda Moser, and passed the concert exam in in 2009. She also attended master-classes with Gundula Janowitz, Ingeborg Danz, Gabriele Schnaut, Gerd Ücker, Arthur Janzen, Ulrich Rademacher und Sissel Høyem-Aune.

Currently, Ingeborg Schilling performs regularly in concerts and is a singing teacher at the Erzbischöflichen Musikschule des Kölner Domchores (Archbishop's Music School of the Cologne Cathedral). Her repertoire includes sacred and secular literature from the Baroque period to the modern age. Concert tours have taken her all over Europe and to the Middle East. She is a member of Chorus Musicus Köln (Director: Christoph Spering).

Ingeborg Schilling Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (August 2017)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (August 2017)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Christoph Spering


Member of Chorus Musicus Köln:
[C-2] (2014): BWV 57, BWV 32
[C-4] (2014-2016): CD-1: BWV 62; CD-2: BWV 121, BWV 125; CD-3: BWV 2, BWV 7; CD-4: BWV 38, BWV 80
[C-5] (2014): BWV 80, arranged by W.F. Bach + 2 Latin hymns, BWV 80/BWV 80b
[C-6] (2018): CD-1: BWV 20, BWV 93, BWV 3; CD-2: BWV 10, BWV 116, BWV 124
[C-7] (2019): CD-1: BWV 137, BWV 140, BWV 26; CD-2: BWV 41, BWV 115, BWV 95
[C-9] (2022, 2-CD/MP3): CD-1: BWV 111, BWV 94, BWV 135, BWV 178; CD-2: BWV 5, BWV 113, BWV 33
[C-10] (2023, 3-CD/MP3): BWV 1, BWV 8, BWV 92, BWV 107, BWV 123

Links to other Sites

Ingeborg Schilling (Official Website) [German]

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Last update: Monday, July 01, 2024 10:51