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Werner Hümmeke (Conductor)

Born: Arnsberg, Germany

The German conductor, Werner Hümmeke, studied in Freiburg school music with the speciality of singing (Fritz Harlan und Margarethe von Winterfeld), choir directing (Herbert Froitzheim) as well as mathematics. After the first state examination followed the Referent at High Schools in Höxter and Münster as well as the Assessor exams. At the Universität Münster he resumed his studies and attained a doctorate in musicology. He became a scientific assistant at the Pädagogischen Hochschule Bielefeld and later in Akad as advisor and high authority in the subject of music teaching.

Since 1975 Werner Hümmeke teaches at the Universität Bielefeld (specialist area art/music). In May 2001 the University appointed him it the fee professor. Already during his study in Freiburg he felt particularly attracted to the choir singing, and he created a student choir (Madrigalchor Freiburg). During his Referent period in Münster the establishment of the Motettenchor of the KSHG followed, from which in the 2002/03 season the Oratorienchor Münster came out. At the still young Universität Bielefeld he created the Universitätschor Bielefeld. With the Münster and Bielefeld choirs he has performed so far nearly all important works of the oratorio literature, part of them were also released on CD.

Source: Universitätschor Bielefeld Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (June 2005)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (June 2005)

Werner Hümmeke: Short Biography | Universitätschor Bielefeld | Oratorienchor Münster | Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Prof. Dr. Werner Hümmeke (Universitätschor Bielefeld) [German]


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Last update: Monday, May 29, 2017 08:06