The discography pages of J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations BWV 988 (GV) on the BCW have been revised & updated. The discography is arranged chronologically by recording date. Currently there are 1,047 different recordings of the complete (or near complete) work. In the previous version of this discography from 4 years ago there were 707. All the releases of each recording are presented as one entry.
In order to make this discography as comprehensive as possible, I have compiled info from every possible source I could find, including web recording databases, web-stores, YouTube, SoundCloud, IMSLP, artist websites, record label websites, other GV discographies, and more.
Because the number of recordings is so big, I had to split the discography into 28 pages:
- from 1900 to 1989, a page per decade
- from 1990 to 1999, a page per 5-year period
- from 2000 to 2020, a page per year.
For every performer of the GV I have created/updated Bach Discography and Biography pages, linked from the performer's entry in the GV Discography pages. So, if a performer has recorded the GV multiple times, you can find in his/her Discography page all these recordings as well as every other Bach's work he/she has recorded.
The discography pages are inter-linked. You can start, for example,
in the main page: and go forward;
or in most recent page (2020): and go backward.
With over 1,000 recordings, the GV is definitely the most recorded work among Bach’s solo keyboard works. However, the discography includes not only recordings on keyboard instruments (harpsichord, clavichord, piano, organ, accordion, etc.) but also many arrangements for various combinations of instruments.
If you have any correction, addition or completion of missing details, please inform me.
Happy New Year!
Aryeh Oron
Webmaster of Bach Cantatas Website (BCW)
Moderator of Bach Mailing List (BML) |