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Flavio Cappello (Flute, Conductor)

Born: Turin (Torino), Italy

The Italian flautist and conductor, Flavio Cappello, graduated from the Conservatorio G.Verdi di Torino under the guidance of Arturo Danesin. He specialized with Peter-Lukas Graf at the Académie de Musique in Sion and with Pierre-Yves Artaud in Como. He took part in the Chamber Music courses held by Oscar Ghiglia in Turin, Ruggero Chiesa in Verona and Maurice Bourgue in Como. He studied composition with Daniele Bertotto. He obtained a second level degree at the G Conservatorio G. Verdi di Torino with Andrea Lanza and Stefano Leoni with a thesis on the Bach Family and flautistic literature.

Flavio Cappello has collaborated with various orchestras including the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI di Torino and the Orchestra da Camera di Aosta. He has participated in several record and television recordings. In 1991 he performed the complete set of W.A. Mozart's Quartets for flute and strings in Odense, Stockholm and Helsinki with the Insieme Cameristico di Torino, of which he is a founding member. In 1994, he toured in Germany proposing a repertoire consisting of the chamber cantatas with an obligatory flute of the Italian Baroque. The concert activity continues in the context of numerous concert events in Italy and abroad, also collaborating in the preparation of theatrical performances. In 2007, Suite per 2 was published, a collection of 27 studies for two flutes or for flute and clarinet. In 2009, the Associazione Flautisti Italiani (Italian Flautists Association) published Alla corte di Federico il Grande. La famiglia Bach e il flauto, written in collaboration with Ugo Piovano and Giovanni Battista Columbro. I currently lives in Turin, Italy.

Source: InCamTo Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (March 2019)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (March 2019)

Flavio Cappello: Short Biography | Ensembles: InCamTo Ensemble
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

InCamTo: Chi Siamo [Italian]
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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 15:38