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Recordings & Discussions of Cantatas: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Cantatas BWV Anh | Order of Discussion
Discussions of General Topics: Cantatas & Other Vocal Works | Performance Practice | Radio, Concerts, Festivals, Recordings

Cantata BWV 29
Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir
Discography - Part 19

Recordings of Individual Movements 2020-2029


J.S. Bach: Tenor Arias [C-1]


3. Aria for Tenor Halleluja, Stärk und Macht (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 29 [5:00]

Magnus Kjellson

Göteborg Baroque

Tenor: Leif Aruhn-Solén
Violin: Fredrik From [3]; Cello: Christian Berg [3]; Violone: Mattias Frostenson [3]; Mandora: Dohyo Sol [3]; Claviorganum: Magnus Kjellson [3]

Nilento Records NILCD-2007

Nov 2-6, 2020

CD / TT: 59 min
MP3 / TT: 58:33

Recorded at the Christinae Church, Göteborg, Sweden.
Producer: Lars Nilsson; Recording, Mixing & Mastering: Lars Nilsson; Editing: Joar Hallgren.
Listen on YouTube:
CD: Complete Album [Sequence; 12 Tracks; TT: 58:45]
Buy this album at:
Music Download (2020): | |


The Imaginary Music Book of J.S. Bach [T-2]


1. Sinfonia in D major (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 29, arranged for flute, violin, cello & harpsichord by members of Café Zimmermann [3:26]
7. Aria for Tenor Halleluja, Stärk und Macht (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 29, arranged for flute, violin, cello & harpsichord by members of Café Zimmermann [4:42]

Café Zimmermann

Karel Valter (Transverse Flute); Pablo Valetti (Violin); Petr Skalka (Violoncello); Céline Frisch (Harpsichord)

Alpha ALPHA-766

Nov 2020

CD / TT: 74:35
MP3 / TT: 74:24

Recorded in at Temple Saint-Jean, Mulhouse, Alsace, France.
Recording Producer, Editing & Mastering: Aline Blondiau; Alpha Classics: Didier Martin (Director); Louise Burel (Production); Amélie Boccon-Gibod (Editorial Coordinator).
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 29: Sinfonia: Excerpt [1:38]
Buy this album at:
CD (2021): | |
Music Download (2021): | |


J.S. Bach: Transcriptions [T-1]

CD-1 [70:56]:
1. Sinfonia in D major (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 29, transcribed for organ by A. Guilmant [4:39]

Stefano Molardi (Organ) [Johann Nepomuk Holzhey organ, 1797]

Brilliant Classics 96413

Aug 25-27, 2021

2-CD / TT: 141:42

Recorded at Neresheim Abbey, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Buy this album at:
2-CD (2022): | |


Concert "Bach's birthday" [CV-1]

Sinfonia (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 29 [4:10]

Ivan Ostapovych

Luhansk Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra

Svitlana Pozdnysheva (Organ)


Mar 31, 2024

Video / TT:

Live recording from the concert in Lviv Organ Hall, Lviv, Ukaine.
Video: Yevhen Chervonyi; Sound Engineer: Volodymyr Punko; Cover Design: Arseniy Diskovskyi.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 29: Mvt. 1: Sinfonia [4:10]

The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (October 2021 - September 2024)

Cantata BWV 29: Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir for Council Election (1731)
Discography: Details & Complete Recordings | Recordings of Individual Movements: 1900-1949 | 1950-1959 | 1960-1969 | 1970-1979 | 1980-1989 | 1990-1999 | 2000-2009 | 2010-2019 | 2020-2029 | Sinfonia arranged for organ by A. Guilmant | Sinfonia arranged for organ by M. Dupré
Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Recordings & Discussions of Cantatas: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Cantatas BWV Anh | Order of Discussion
Discussions of General Topics: Cantatas & Other Vocal Works | Performance Practice | Radio, Concerts, Festivals, Recordings


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Last update: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 01:04