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Cantata BWV 63
Christen, ätzet diesen Tag
English Translation in Interlinear Format
Cantata BWV 63 - Christians, engrave this day

Event: Cantata for Christmas Day
Readings: Epistle: Titus 2: 11-14 / Isaiah 9: 2-7; Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14
Text: Johann Michael Heineccius ?

Biblical quotations in green font, chorales in purple


Chorus [S, A, T, B]

Tromba I-IV, Timpani, Oboe I-III, Fagotto, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Christen, ätzet diesen Tag
Christians, engrave this day
In Metall und Marmorsteine!
in metal and marble stone !
Kommt und eilt mit mir zur Krippen
Come and hurry with me to the manger
Und erweist mit frohen Lippen
and prove with happy lips
Euren Dank und eure Pflicht;
your thanks and your duty;
Denn der Strahl, so da einbricht,
for the ray that there breaks in
Zeigt sich euch zum Gnadenscheine.
is shown to you as the light of grace.


Recitative [Alto]

Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

O selger Tag! o ungemeines Heute,
Oh blessed day! Oh extraordinary today'
An dem das Heil der Welt,
on which the saviour of the world,
Der Schilo, den Gott schon im Paradies
the Schilo [Messiah], whom God already in paradise
Dem menschlichen Geschlecht verhieß,
promised to the human race,
Nunmehro sich vollkommen dargestellt
now reveals himself fully
Und suchet Israel von der Gefangenschaft und Sklavenketten
and seeks from the imprisonment and slave chains
Des Satans zu erretten.
of Satan to rescue Israel.
Du liebster Gott, was sind wir arme doch?
Dear God, what are we then in our wretchedness?
Ein abgefallnes Volk, so dich verlassen;
A fallen people, who forsake you;
Und dennoch willst du uns nicht hassen;
and nevertheless you do not choose to hate us;
Denn eh wir sollen noch nach dem Verdienst zu Boden liegen,
for before we should lie on the earth according to our deserts,
Eh muß die Gottheit sich bequemen,
before that the deity must condescend
Die menschliche Natur an sich zu nehmen
to take human nature upon himself
Und auf der Erden
and on the earth
Im Hirtenstall zu einem Kinde werden.
in the shepherds' stall to become a child.
O unbegreifliches, doch seliges Verfügen!
Oh incomprehensible but blessed decree!


Aria (Duetto) [Soprano, Bass]

Oboe solo, Continuo

Gott, du hast es wohl gefüget,
God, you have well ordained
Was uns itzo widerfährt.
what now happens to us.
Drum laßt uns auf ihn stets trauen
Therefore let us always trust in him
Und auf seine Gnade bauen,
and build on his grace,
Denn er hat uns dies beschert,
for he has bestowed on us
Was uns ewig nun vergnüget.
what delights us now and for ever.


Recitative [Tenor]


So kehret sich nun heut
In this way now today is transformed
Das bange Leid,
the anxious suffering
Mit welchem Israel geängstet und beladen,
with which Israel was distresed and burdened
In lauter Heil und Gnaden.
into pure salvation and grace.
Der Löw aus Davids Stamme ist erschienen,
The lion from the stock of David has appeared,
Sein Bogen ist gespannt, das Schwert ist schon gewetzt,
his bow is stretched, his sword is already sharpened,
Womit er uns in vor'ge Freiheit setzt.
with which he places us in our former freedom.


Aria (Duetto) [Alto, Tenor]

Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Ruft und fleht den Himmel an,
Call and implore heaven,
Kommt, ihr Christen, kommt zum Reihen,
come, you Christians, come into the ranks,
Ihr sollt euch ob dem erfreuen,
you should rejoice on account of that
Was Gott hat anheut getan!
which God has done today!
Da uns seine Huld verpfleget
since his graciousness maintains us
Und mit so viel Heil beleget,
and endows us with such great salvation
Daß man nicht g'nug danken kann.
that sufficient thanks cannot be given.


Recitative [Bass]

Oboe I-III, Violino I/II, Viola, Fagotto, Continuo

Verdoppelt euch demnach, ihr heißen Andachtsflammen,
For this reason be redoubled, you hot flames of devotion,
Und schlagt in Demut brünstiglich zusammen!
and strike in humility ardently together!
Steigt fröhlich himmelan
Mount joyfully to heaven
Und danket Gott vor dies, was er getan!
and thank God for what he has done!


Chorus [S, A, T, B]

Tromba I-IV, Timpani, Oboe I-III, Fagotto, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Höchster, schau in Gnaden an
Highest, look with grace on
Diese Glut gebückter Seelen!
this ardour of souls who bow [in worship].
Laß den Dank, den wir dir bringen,
Let the thanks, which we bring you,
Angenehme vor dir klingen,
resound pleasingly before you,
Laß uns stets in Segen gehn,
Let us always go with your blessing
Aber niemals nicht geschehn,
but never let it happen
Daß uns der Satan möge quälen.
that Satan may torment us.


This Translation in Parallel Format

English Translation by Francis Browne (March 2002)
Contributed by Francis Browne (March 2002)

Cantata BWV 63: Christen, ätzet diesen Tag for Christmas Day (1714)
Discography: Details & Complete Recordings | Recordings of Individual Movements
Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

BWV 63 Text: German-1 | German-2 | German-6 | German-7 | NBA Text
Translations: English-1 | English-3I | English-3P | English-6 | English-10 | English-14
Catalan-1 | Chinese-2 | Danish-1 | Dutch-0 | Dutch-3 | French-3 | French-4 | French-5 | French-6 | Hebrew-1 | Indonesian-1 | Italian-2 | Japanese-6 | Norwegian-1 | Polish-1 | Russian-1 | Russian-3 | Spanish-2 | Spanish-7 | Spanish/English-8

English Translations in Interlinear/Parallel Format (English-3): Sorted by BWV Number | Sorted by Title | Sorted by Event | Note on English Translations

Texts & Translations: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Other Vocal BWV 225-249 | Chorales BWV 250-438 | Geistliche Lieder BWV 439-507 | AMN BWV 508-524 | Other Vocal 1081-1164 | BWV Anh | Chorale Texts | Emblemata | Sources | Poets & Composers
Discussions: Texts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Translations: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4


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Last update: Monday, January 09, 2023 14:26