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Masaaki Suzuki & Bach Collegium Japan
Cantatas Vol. 25
Cantatas BWV 78, BWV 99, BWV 114


J.S. Bach: Cantatas Vol. 25 - Cantatas from Leipzig 1724 - BWV 78, 99, 114


Cantatas BWV 78 [21:53], BWV 99 [17:33], BWV 114 [23:24]

Masaaki Suzuki

Bach Collegium Japan

Soprano: Yukari Nonoshita; Counter-tenor: Daniel Taylor; Tenor: Makoto Sakurada; Bass: Peter Kooy

BIS 1361

Feb 14-17, 2003

CD / TT: 62:57

Recorded at the Kobe Shoin Women's University Chapel, Japan.
See: Cantatas Vol. 25 - conducted by Masaaki Suzuki
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Suzuki and BCJ vol 25 (Jubilee Edition)

Thomas Shepherd wrote (September 12, 2004):
I've just ordered BCJ vol 25 (Jubilee Edition), BWV 78, BWV 99, BWV 114 which has been recently released in the UK. MDT ( ) have it at a special price of (£9.50 sterling). This volume is specially slip-cased with an additional 20-page brochure giving details of the other releases in the series. The disc consists three 1724 Leipzig cantatas, and features some known soloists from the series to date as well as Canadian newcomer Daniel Taylor (counter-tenor), who has made a name for himself at Glyndebourne.

BIS have recently improved their web site and this new disk appears at:
I'm looking forward to another superlative recording from this most collectable series.


Short Review - Suzuki's Bach Cantata Series Vol. 25

Donald Satz wrote (January 8, 2005):
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
"Cantatas from Leipzig 1724"

Cantata BWV 78 "Jesu, der du meine Seele"
Cantata BWV 99 "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan"
Cantata BWV 114, "Ach lieben Christen, seid getrost"

Yukari Nonoshita, soprano
Daniel Taylor, counter-tenor
Makoto Sakurada, tenor
Peter Kooij, bass
Bach Collegium Japan
Masaaki Suzuki, conductor
Recorded Kobe Shoin Women's University Chapel,
Japan, February 200
BIS CD-1361 [62:57]

Rating: 4 1/2 of 6 Stars

Suzuki Cantata Series: Volume 25 represents the mid-point of Suzuki's major undertaking of all the Bach Cantatas. Previous volumes have been enthusiastically received throughout the review community, and that is no surprise. Suzuki's performances have been affectionate, reverent to the texts, and rhythmically supple with generally excellent support from the vocal soloists and exceptional work from the orchestra and chorus. Overall, Suzuki's cycle might well be the best ever on record.

Volume 25 Program: The three Cantatas on the disc come from Bach's second year of service in Leipzig during September/October 1724. Although each of the three Cantatas presents exceptional music, it is Cantata BWV 78 that is most recorded likely because of the wonderful duet for soprano and alto "Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten". More about this duet later in the review.

Performances: With a couple of exceptions, Suzuki is at his customary best in the three programmed works. The vocal soloists are particularly impressive, each of them possessing fine tonal qualities and expression.

Reservations: My reservations concern the soprano/alto duet and the concluding Choral from BWV 78. Both pieces has a warm glow of spiritual magnitude, and Suzuki's pacing is too quick to fully capture it. For comparison, I listened to the Rifkin/Decca and Herreweghe/Harmonia Mundi versions. Both performances are slower in the two pieces, creating sufficient breathing room for the glorious music. I should relate that the English translation of the duet is "We hasten with weak yet eager steps". So, some might end up feeling that Suzuki is the conductor who is most eager and uses the appropriate tempo. However, this reviewer really misses the warmth in the music.

Don's Conclusions: With exceptional sound and vocal contributions, the mid-point volume of Suzuki's Bach Cantata series is easy to recommend. And yet, I have nagging doubts about Suzuki's tempos in the duet and ending Choral from BWV 78, doubts that lead me to not considering the new volume an essential acquisition except for those who have been collecting each volume in the series.


Masaaki Suzuki: Short Biography | Ensembles: Bach Collegium Japan
Bach Discography: Recordings of Vocal Works: Part 1: Complete Cantatas Cycle - Vols. 1-20 | Part 2: Complete Cantatas Cycle - Vols. 21-40 | Part 3: Complete Cantatas Cycle - Vols. 41-60 | Part 5: Recordings of Secular Cantatas | Part 6: Box Sets of Cantatas | Part 7: Other Cantata Recordings | Part 4: Recordings of Other Vocal Works | Recordings of Instrumental Works
Table of recordings by BWV Number
General Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Discussions of Cantatas: Suzuki - Vol. 2 | Suzuki - Vol. 5 | Suzuki - Vol. 8 | Suzuki - Vol. 9 | Suzuki - Vol. 10 | Suzuki - Vol. 11 | Suzuki - Vol. 12 | Suzuki - Vol. 13 | Suzuki - Vol. 14 | Suzuki - Vol. 15 | Suzuki - Vol. 16 | Suzuki - Vol. 17 | Suzuki - Vol. 18 | Suzuki - Vol. 19 | Suzuki - Vol. 20 | Suzuki - Vol. 21 | Suzuki - Vol. 22 | Suzuki - Vol. 23 | Suzuki - Vol. 24 | Suzuki - Vol. 25 | Suzuki - Vol. 26 | Suzuki - Vol. 27 | Suzuki - Vol. 28 | Suzuki - Vol. 29 | Suzuki - Vol. 30 | Suzuki - Vol. 31 | Suzuki - Vol. 38 | Suzuki - Vol. 43 | Suzuki Secular - Vol. 1
Discussions of Other Vocal Works: BWV 232 - M. Suzuki | BWV 243 - M. Suzuki | BWV 244 - M. Suzuki | BWV 245 - M. Suzuki | BWV 248 - M. Suzuki
Reviews of Instrumental Recordings: Bach’s Clavier-Ubung III from Masaaki Suzuki | Bach Harpsichord Discs from Hill and Suzuki | Bach’s French Suites from Suzuki | Review: Partitas by Suzuki [McElhearn] | Suzuki’s Partitas [Henderson] | Suzuki’s Goldberg Variations
Discussions of Instrumental Recordings: Partitas BWV 825-830 - played by M. Suzuki
Bach Festivals and Cantata Series: Bach Collegium Japan: Cantata Series

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