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Chun-yien Chang (Conductor)

Born: 1973 - Taichung City, Taiwan

The Taiwanese leading composer, conductor, pianist and interdisciplinary specialist, Chun-yien Chang (Chinese: (張俊彥)), is an artist who was educated and nurtured completely in Taiwan, having received his Master of Fine Arts from National Taiwan Normal University, and Music Bachelor of Arts from Tunghai University Department of Music. His teachers include composer Gordon Shi-Wen Chin, musicologist Juanelva Rose, pianist Thomas Linde, mezzo-soprano Syou-Fen Lee, and conductor Leonid Moullaev.

The critics have hailed Chun-yien Chang's works as "Deep thinking, full of philosophical connotation and religious affection", "Colorful, lush harmonic texture, dramatic tension, and emotion." Renowned violinist Bin Huang also described Chang’s compositions as "well-structured, colorful and deep, with a fresh feeling for every reading." His works have been performed in international festivals such as Seghizzi in Italy, Vivace in Hungary and Brahms in Germany. The output with a wide spectrum of musical genres includes symphonic poem, concerto, Musical, cantata, chamber music, instrumental pieces, art song, choral work, etc. He has been receiving commissions from musicians and music groups worldwide.

Forme complexe is the central concept of Chun-yien Chang's creative outcome in recent years, the representative works include: Tone Poem Formosa Rhapsody 2002: The Treasure Island Filled with the Prophets (2002); Cantata No. 2 with 7 Piano Preludes (2005); Missa Instrumentalis A Rainbow, in Memory of Eternity (2009); Chamber music in forme complexe Song of Time (consisting Piano Trio Song of Time, Cello Sonata Earthly Elegy and Piano Pieces Heavenly Tunes, 2010); O’ remadiway no Sikawasay (the Witch of Singing) for Tenor and Chamber Group (2012); Piano Trio No.2 In forme complexe (in a retro style, 2012); Three Movements for Unaccompanied Cello (after S. Prokofiev, 2013). His works have received funding from the National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) numerous times.

Chun-yien Chang has been a faculty member of the Music Department, School of Fine Arts and Creative Design, Tunghai University and the Graduate School of Art of Church Music, Taiwan Theological College and Seminary. He has also been invited as the resident composer of Taipei Chamber Singers, and collaborative musician and a pre-concert lecturer of the Yinqi Orchestra & Chorus. In 2009, he joined the "Player Tribe" Piano Trio as the resident composer. In 2010, he became Artistic Director of Polylogue Vocal Ensemble, and he also founded the vocal ensemble Mysterium Musicum in the same year. To advocate healthy techniques for music students, he established “Taiwan Society of Healthy Performance Technique Promotion” (HPTP). His writings can be seen regularly in periodicals such as MUZIK, Music Browser, Choral Music, and Cosmic Light. His solid training in Information Technology leads him to be the project leader of information infrastructure of Taiwan Digital Culture Center, run by Taichung City government.


NCAF Website
Photo 02: Paul Hsu; Photo 03: 黃家隆.
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Chun-yien Chang: Short Biography | Ensembles: Mysterium Musicum
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Chang, Chun-yien (NCAF)
Chang, Cun-yien (Official Website)
Chun-yien Chang page on Facebook

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Last update: Friday, May 17, 2024 11:20