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Recordings & Discussions of Cantatas: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Cantatas BWV Anh | Order of Discussion
Discussions of General Topics: Cantatas & Other Vocal Works | Performance Practice | Radio, Concerts, Festivals, Recordings

Cantata BWV 56
Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen
Discography - Part 9

Complete Recordings 2020-2029

< Part 8: Complete Recordings 2010-2019

Part 11: Reccordings of Individual Movements >


The Baroque Masters (Bach, Handel and Telemann) [CV-1]

16:36-36:37: Cantata BWV 56 [20:01]

David Shemer

Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra

Soloists: Bass: Oded Reich; Flute: Idit Shemer; Violin: Noam Schuss
Violins 1: Noam Schuss [Leader], Rachel Ringlestein, Noam Gal; Violins 2: Dafna Ravid, Tami Borenstein, Lea Reichlin; Violas: Netanel Pollak, Miryam Fingert; Cellos: Orit Jacobi-Messer, Yotam Haran; Double-bass: Eran Borovich; Flute: Idit Shemer; Oboes: Tal Levin, Bar Zimerman; Harpsichord & Organ: David Shemer


Jul 8, 2020

Video / TT:

Recroded & filmed live at Mishkenot Sha-ananim Music Center, Jerusalem, Israel. Broadcast live in the Israeli Classical Music Radio Channel “Kol Hamusica”.
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [77:30]


... di gioie e dolori... /... von Freud und Leid... (BWV 51, 1052, 56) [CV-1]

Cantata BWV 56 [22:03]

Stephan Kofler

Ensemble Meranbaroque

BWV 56 Soloist: Bass: Mauro Borgioni
Ripieni: Soprano: Lucia Cortese; Alto: Julia Perkman; Tenor: Hans Erb
EMB: Rossella Croce (Concert-master & Baroque Violin); Josef Höhn (Baroque Violin); Emanuele Marcante (Viola); Francesco Galligioni (Violoncello); Francesco Cataldo (Violone); Aviad Gershoni (Oboe 1); Isishaka Rei (Oboe 2); Michele Antonello (Oboe da caccia); Paola Ventrella (Theorbo); Antonella Lorengo (Organ)


Oct 11, 2020

Video / TT: 68:45

Recorded & filmed live at Chiesa Evangelica di Merano / Christuskirche Meran, Italy. Production of Associazione Musicale Meranese.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 56: Complete Cantata [22:03]


Bach at Noon Virtual Concert, November 10, 2020
Celebrating our 110th Bach at Noon Concert!


-- Interview with Dashon Burton --
Cantata BWV 56 []

Greg Funfgeld (Artistic Director & Conductor)

Members of Bach Festival Orchestra

Soloists: Bass-Baritone: Dashon Burton; Mary Watt (Oboe d'amore)
Members of BFO: Elizabeth Field & Mary Ogletree (Violins); Uri Wassertzug (Viola); Loretta O'Sullivan (Cello); Stephen Groat (Double-bass)


Nov 10, 2020

Video / TT: 55:26

Taped without an audience at Central Moravian Church, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert [55:26]


J.S. Bach: Ich habe genug - Intégrale des Cantates n° 47: BWV 56 - 82 - 158 - 203 (Cantates pour basse) [GV-47]


108:32-127:43-: Cantata BWV 56 [19:11]

Director: Stephan MacLeod
Presented by: Philippe Albèra

Gli Angeli Genève

Concertists: Bass: Stephan MacLeod; Bertrand Cuiller (Harpsichord)
Ripienists: Sopranos: Aleksandra Lewandowska, Chiyuki Okamura; Altos: Christelle Monney, Charles Sudan; Tenors: Thomas Hobbs, Augustin Laudet; Bass: Frederik Sjollema
Instrumentists: Emmanuel Laporte, Seung-Kyung Lee-Blondel, Marcel Ponseele; Eva Saladin (Violin Solo); Yoko Kawakubo, Adrien Carre, Nadia Rigolet, Coline Ormond, Xavier Sichel; Violas: Sonoko Asabuki, Martine Schnorhk; Violoncellos: Hager Hanana, Oleguer Aymami; Michaël Chanu (Double-bass); Tomasz Wesolowski (Bassoon); Francis Jacob (Organ)


May 10, 2021

Video / TT: 2:12:42

Recorded, filmed & streamed live from Temple de Saint-Gervais, Genève, Canton de Genève, Switzeland, in the frame of Intégrale des Cantates à Temple de Saint-Gervais.
1st recording of Cantata BWV 56 by S. MacLeod.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert: Cantatas BWV 82, 158, 203, 56 [132:42]


J.S. Bach: Cantates pour basse seule: BWV 56 - 82 - 158 - 203 [LV-1]


71:17-90:31: Cantata BWV 56 [19:14]

Director: Stephan MacLeod

Gli Angeli Genève

Concertists: Bass: Stephan MacLeod; Bertrand Cuiller (Harpsichord)
Ripienists: Sopranos: Aleksandra Lewandowska, Chiyuki Okamura; Altos: Christelle Monney, Charles Sudan; Tenors: Thomas Hobbs, Augustin Laudet; Bass: Frederik Sjollema
Instrumentists: Emmanuel Laporte, Seung-Kyung Lee-Blondel, Marcel Ponseele; Eva Saladin (Violin Solo); Yoko Kawakubo, Adrien Carre, Nadia Rigolet, Coline Ormond, Xavier Sichel; Violas: Sonoko Asabuki, Martine Schnorhk; Violoncellos: Hager Hanana, Oleguer Aymami; Michaël Chanu (Double-bass); Tomasz Wesolowski (Bassoon); Francis Jacob (Organ)


May 30, 2021

Video / TT: 94:11

Recorded, filmed & streamed live at Lutry Temple, Lutry, Canton Vaud, Switzerland, in the frame of 6ème Edition des Folles journées J.S. Bach de Lutry.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 56 by S. MacLeod.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert: Cantatas BWV 82, 158, 203, 56 [94:11]


J.S. Bach: Cantates pour basse (BWV 56, 82, 158, 203) [C-3]


1-5. Cantata BWV 56 [19:20]

Stephan MacLeod

(2VPP - No Choir) / Gli Angeli Genève

Soloists: Bass: Stephan MacLeod [All]; Emmanuel Laporte (Oboe) [BWV 56]
Singers: Ripienists [BWV 56]: Sopranos: Aleksandra Lewandowska, Chiyuki Okamura; Altos: Christelle Monney, Charles Sudan; Tenors: Thomas Hobbs, Augustin Laudet; Bass: Frederik Sjollema
Instrumentalists: Emmanuel Laporte, Seung-Kyung Lee-Blondel (Oboes); Marcel Ponseele (Oboe da caccia); Tomasz Wesolowski (Bassoon)
Eva Saladin, Adrien Carre, Yoko Kawakubo (Violins 1); Nadia Rigolet, Coline Ormond, Xavier Sichel (Violins 2); Sonoko Asabuki, Martine Schnorhk (Violas); Hager Hanana, Oleguer Aymami (Violoncellos); Michaël Chanu (Double-bass); Francis Jacob (Organ); Bertrand Cuiller (Harpsichord)

Claves CLA-3049

May 2021

CD / TT: 64:32
MP3 / TT: 64:23

Recorded at Großer Festsaal, Landgastoff Riehen, Switzerland.
Artistic Direction, Sound Engineer, Editing, Mastering: Markus Heiland, Tritonus Musikproduktion.
3rd recording of Cantata BWV 56 by S. MacLeod.
Listen on YouTube:
CD: Complete Album [Sequence; 17 Tracks; TT: 64:40]
Buy this album at:
CD (2022): | |
Music Download (20): | |


BWV 56, Ich will den Kreusztab gerne tragen [C21-2]

Cantata BWV 56 [19:26]

John Harbison

Emmanuel Music (Artistic Director: Ryan Turner)

Bass: David Tinervia
Jennifer Slowik (Oboe)


Oct 10, 2021

Video / TT: 19:26

Recorded & filmed live at at Emmanuel Church, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, in the frame of Emmanuel Music: Bach Cantata Series.
Recording Engineer: Seth Torres; Livestream Engineer: Maurizio Fiore.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 56: Complete Cantata [19:26]


"Ich habe genung" BWV 82; Sinfonia d-Moll - 1. Satz aus der Kantate BWV 35; Kantate "Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen" BWV 56; Sinfonia d-Moll - 5. Satz aus der Kantate BWV 35 [SV-3]

Cantata BWV 56 [19:50]

Conductor & Organ: Stefan Kordes

Members of Kammerchor St. Jacobi Göttingen [BWV 56] / Göttinger Barockorchester (on original instruments)

Soloist BWV 56: Bass: Thomas Laske
GBO: Henning Vater (Violin 1); Julia Krikkay (Violin 2); Esther-Jasmin Becker (Viola); Susanne Hartig (Violoncello); Friederike Däublin (Violone); Anette Berryman & Andrea Vilz (Oboes); Dorothea Gömmel-Lademann (Oboe da caccia); Luise Manske (Bassoon)


Nov 12, 2021

Video / TT:

Recorded & filmed live at St. Jacobi, Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany, as part of the service. This is an unedited recording intended to offer a belated concert experience for those who were unable to attend live due to the Corona restrictions.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 56: Complete Cantata [19:50]


J.S. Bach: "Kreuzstab-Kantate" BWV 56 | Gottesdienst an Karfreitag 2022, Ev. Stadtkirche Karlsruhe [CV-3]

28:45-37:33 + 50:44-60:50: Cantata BWV 56 [8:48 + 10:06 = 18:54]

Conductor: KMD Christian-Markus Raiser
Liturgy & Sermon: Landesbischöfin Prof. Dr. Heike Springhart

Members of Bachchor Karlsruhe / Camerata 2000

Bass: Hanno Müller-Brachmann


Apr 15, 2022

Video / TT: 74:05

Recorded & filmed live at Evangelische Stadtkirche, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 56: Full Service, including Complete Cantata [74:05]


2024 Good Friday Candlelight Service and Open Holy Communion
2024 受難日燭光禮拜暨開放聖餐


Cantata BWV 56 [21:33]

Conductor/Harpsichord: Chun-yien Chang (張俊彥)

Choir: Mysterium Musicum (音樂密契人聲室內樂集)

Bass-Baritone: Chih-fang Chiang (江智方)
Oboe: Fei-wen Lee (李斐雯); Cello: Sheng-wen Liu (劉聖文)


Mar 29, 2024

Video / TT:

Recorded & filmed live at Chè-lâm Presbyterian Church (濟南教會), Taipei City, Taiwan.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 56: Complete Cantata [21:33]

< Part 8: Complete Recordings 2010-2019

Part 11: Reccordings of Individual Movements >

The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (July 2020 - May 2024)

Cantata BWV 56: Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen for 19th Sunday after Trinity (1726)
Details | Complete Recordings : 1900-1949 | 1950-1959 | 1960-1969 | 1970-1979 | 1980-1989 | 1990-1999 | 2000-2009 | 2010-2019 | 2020-2029 | Recordings of Individual Movements
Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Articles: Program Notes to Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen, BWV 56 [S. Burton] | BWV 56 “Ich will den Xstab gerne tragen” - An Attempt to Trace the Symbols and Other Poetic Expressions in the Libretto Back to Their Original Sources [T. Braatz]

Recordings & Discussions of Cantatas: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Cantatas BWV Anh | Order of Discussion
Discussions of General Topics: Cantatas & Other Vocal Works | Performance Practice | Radio, Concerts, Festivals, Recordings


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Last update: Friday, May 17, 2024 11:31