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Jacob Partington (Counter-tenor)

Born: England

The English counter-tenor, Jacob Partington, studied at The King's School in Gloucester (2008-2013), where he was Head Chorister; Friends of Gloucester Cathedral Scholarship Holder. Having sung at Gloucester Cathedral as a chorister, Jacob is no alien to the English choral tradition and has found, despite his voice breaking, that he can now sing higher than ever before. He spent his early school years struggling with an under-developed tenor voice, only to discover, by accident, that he could also sing counter-tenor. He then studied at Charterhouse School (2013-2017), where he was Music Scholar; Head of Chamber Choir.

Jacob Partington obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree (Hons) in Music from King's College, University of Cambridge (2017-2020). At King's College, he has been Assistant Director of The King's Men (since October 2019); Teaching Assistant at King's College School, Cambridge (since October 2020). As a Choral Scholar in King's College Choir Cambridge (September 2017-September 2020), he sang on the BBC’s Queen’s Speech 2018; performed on the annual BBC TV recordings of Carols from King’s and Easter from King’s; sang on radio broadcast of Nine Lessons and Carols to over 30 million people annually; released 9 commercial albums - registered artist with Hyperion record labe; performed at Sydney Opera House, Angel Place, Sydney; Hamer Hall, Melbourne; Royal Festival Hall, Barbican, Royal Albert Hall, London; St. Thomas 5th Av, New York; Washington Cathedral, Washington; Rudolfinum, Prague; Concertgebouw, Amsterdam; Megaron, Athens; Kunqu Theatre, Suzhou. As a Lay Clerk (since October 2020), he continued his Choral Scholar duties under contract: seven sung services a week; Data Management: Used Discogs database software to manage and update label and artist profiles, and to publicise newly released albums; Co-organised and participated in recruitment project.

Jacob Partington profile on LinkedIn
The King's Men Website (2023-2024)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Frankie Postles


TCMS [CV-2] (2019, Audio): BWV 106

Links to other Sites

Jacob P. on LinkedIn
The King's Men: Member Profiles

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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Thursday, May 16, 2024 15:07