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Scott Bosscher (Bass)

Born: January 1976 - Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

The American bass, voice instructor and choir director, Scott Bosscher, obtained his Bachelor of Music degree from Calvin College in Grand Rapids; and his Master of Music degree in vocal performance from the Bass Opera School at Oklahoma City University, studying with Dr. Inez Silberg (Leona Mitchell, Chris Merritt, Kristin Chenoweth.) Subsequent teachers include vocal coach John Wustman (Luciano Pavarotti) and voice teacher Diane Forlano, with whom he studied alongside Anthony Rolfe-Johnson, John Mark Ainsley, Ian Bostridge, Catherine Bott and James Bowman. He studied in Diane Forlano's studio for five years in Chicago and three more subsequent years in London.

While living in Chicago Scott Bosscher sang with the St. Luke’s Choir of Men and Boys in Evanston, where he met his wife Jane. In 1991, they moved to Somerset, UK, where Scott took up a dual post at the Wells Cathedral Music School in Somerset, England, where he taught academic music and trained the boy and girl choristers at Wells Cathedral in weekly voice lessons. He also sang as a soloist and regular member of the Wells Cathedral Choir until his return to the USA in 1995. He has been a soloist throughout Europe and South America performing with various orchestras, including the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and the City of London Sinfonia (Richard Hickox), singing such roles as the tenor in Benjamin Britten's War Requiem and the Evangelist roles in J.S. Bach's Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 and Johannes-Passion BWV 245.

Scott Bosscher was the Choir Director at Thornapple Covenant Church for 11 years, and has been the Director of Music for the Grand Rapids Choir of Men & Boys since June 2001, and Choir Director at Mayflower Congregational Church since July 2019. He maintains an active studio of voice students at Calvin University (since September 2017) and Grand Rapids Community College.

Calvin University Website
Scott Bosscher profle on Facewbook
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Taemin Han


[CV-4] (2024, Video): BWV 166

Links to other Sites

Scott Bosscher (Calvin University)
Scott Bosscher on Facebook

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Last update: Saturday, May 11, 2024 08:45